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Beautiful Democracy november 9, 2020

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Am. presidentvalet, Debatt, Politik och samhälle.
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The recent, and to some extent still ongoing, presidential election in the US is quite instructive in many ways.

Being of the political persuasion I am, I wasn’t that invested in the outcome. For me, there has only been one candidate worthy of excitement in US presidential elections, and that was Ron Paul. If I had been forced to choose a favourite in the GOP primaries in 2016, I would have chosen Rand Paul. Had I been forced to choose a favourite in the Democratic primaries in 2020, I would have chosen Tulsi Gabbard. Needless to say, neither of them stood any chance of winning the nomination, much less the presidency itself.

As many have pointed out, the Democrats’ (and their fellow travellers around the world) calls to Trump to accept the election result are more than a little ridiculous. Let us not forget that the Democrats never accepted Trump’s win in 2016. Not only did they not accept Trump’s win, they went so far as to appoint a special counsel in order to investigate the election fraud perpetrated on the American people by the Trump campaign, together with their Kremlin allies. Leading Democrats went on television on an almost daily basis, proclaiming there were overwhelming evidence of collusion.

Still, after having scores of deeply biased lawyers with practically limitless subpoena powers and resources, comb through everything the Trump campaign and its key figures’ doings from the past few decades, no such evidence was found. This even though the aforementioned lawyers had every incentive to find that evidence. And yet, the claims of Russian collusion never died down, it was used to smear every single person who opposed the Democratic Party. Even Tulsi Gabbard, who ran for the Democratic nomination, was labelled a Russian “asset” by Hillary Clinton, of all people.

When the Russian Collusion scheme failed, they turned to impeachment, seemingly for the sole purpose of impeaching Trump, knowing full well they didn’t have a case and zero chance of getting a conviction in the Senate. As Nancy Pelosi rather cynically stated: “He’s impeached forever”. That was the point, nothing more. At the end of the day, not even the impeachment managers could quite explain exactly what Trump was accused of doing. All the hearings were held behind closed doors, which in and of itself should tell you all you need to know about what the proceedings were all about.

Then we have the Kavanaugh hearings. The poor man was made out to be a sexual predator, a serial rapist and even a murderer by the Democratic Senators and their media cronies. What basis did they have for these allegations? A yearbook from the early 1980’s, a hysterical woman whose claims were denied by the very people who had been called to corroborate her testimony, and the obviously false testimonies induced by the disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti. At one point, the left-wing media were practically begging Avenatti to run for president. When it turned out he was a fraud who stole from his clients, among other things, he was of course promptly thrown down the memory hole. No retraction, no apology, no admission of being wrong, no nothing.

This is what the Democrats and their media cohorts have been up to the past four years, yet it is Trump that is the “divisive” one. It is Trump that stokes the fires of conflict in the US, not the people who in addition to the things mentioned above, brand every single person who even slightly disagrees with them as a racist, sexist, homophobe, and all around bigot. Evidently insulting people and impugning their character 24/7 isn’t divisive, if done by people of the correct ideology. Who knew?

Now calm yourselves, I’m not absolving Trump or the GOP of blame here. As noted, my own ideological proclivities lie far from both parties. I am simply pointing out that after everything the Democrats and the media, academic, and bureaucratic establishments have been doing for the past four years, you can’t really blame the Trump supporters for being suspicious. If the Democrats and their supporters can do all that, committing election fraud seems like par for the course. If anything, you would expect them to do just that.

After all, it was the Democrats who said that not only was Putin able to sway the election in 2016, he actually succeeded in doing so. Well, if Putin can do it from Russia, surely it would be cake-walk for the Democrats to do it, considering that their governors and their bureaucrats actually control the election process, from election rules to vote counting, and that there will be no media scrutiny whatsoever.

Again, I’m not saying that the Democrats did commit election fraud. What I am saying is that I can fully understand why Trump and his supporters would think they have. Biden never actually campaigned, while Trump drew tens of thousands of supporters in rally after rally. Harris was so unpopular even among Democrats that she had to drop out of the race at an early stage, not even winning her home state. Yet somehow Biden/Harris get the most votes in the history of US presidential elections, even more than Obama.

I’m not saying there was election fraud, but I can’t blame people who think there was.

Why so cheap? april 25, 2020

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Debatt, Ekonomisk historia, Ekonomisk politik, Interventionism, Nationalekonomi, Politik och samhälle.
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In the wake of the Corona pandemic, governments all over the world are launching various kinds of stimulus packages to alleviate the economic woes caused by virus outbreak. In the US, the amounts quickly rose to the trillions, and the EU is contemplating a joint relief fund of up to one and half trillion euros. While politicians, bureaucrats and experts of all kinds sometimes say they are somewhat worried about the long-term effect, they quickly dismiss those concerns because we simply must do something right now.

This is how children think.

One of the central differences between adults and children is the formers’ capacity to defer gratification. Children, as we all know, tend to want what they want right now. As they grow older, they start to understand that not all their desires can be satisfied immediately. When they grow older still, they start to comprehend that there may even be benefits to wait, to save. This vital lesson, this fundamental wisdom which is one of the chief prerequisites for having a civilization, seems all but lost today.

Political leaders, department heads and business executives alike focus almost entirely on what is in the here and now, on the short term. Very few seem willing to discuss the causes of the problems, it is all about fighting the symptoms. Imagine, if you will, the cities of old where a significant part of the houses were built of wood and straw. Every now and then, a neighbourhood starts to burn. This causes panic, all efforts are made to put out the fire, and afterwards, the city council puts in place various relief and stimulus programs to get the houses rebuilt and citizens made whole. At no point, however, does anyone contemplate why fires break out with earie regularity.

This is how the proverbial ruling class have approached economic crises for the past 100 years. When the world was hit with the double whammy of the dot.com bubble bursting and the WTC-attacks, the Fed responded by lowering the interest rate to 1 percent. Liquidity was increased, but there was no multi-hundred-billion-dollar stimulus. The artificially low interest rate was enough, however, to set off a housing bubble.

When that burst, the big guns where brought in with zero percent interest rates and hundreds of billions in stimulus programs. In Europe, the interest rates went negative. Government debt, which was already significant at that point, skyrocketed. President Obama famously managed to double the US national debt during his time in office, from roughly 10 to roughly 20 trillion. That is no small feat. Now we not only have new real estate bubbles popping up, we have also had stock market bubbles and, of course, government bond bubbles. The Fed tried to raise interest rates but had to quickly reverse course.

Enter the Corona virus. Governments all over the world shut down their economies, causing a great amount of problems for private businesses and individuals. There is talk about economic contractions of anywhere from 5 to 15 percent. As noted in the opening, the reaction to this crisis has been exactly the same as to the previous ones. Government grants and loans paid for by more debt and more money printing, to save businesses and jobs and to get consumers to spend money.

Very few are discussing how it is possible that an influenza virus can shut down major parts of the economy in the US, Europe and elsewhere, and why a few months of shutdown is already causing bankruptcies, layoffs, furloughs and liquidity shortages across industries. Why are so called viable, healthy businesses without buffers and reserves? These are not simple questions, but they are important and should be asked and discussed.

But they are not, because those discussions can be unpleasant for many people. Because like children, we avoid whatever is uncomfortable and try to find quick fixes to what is hurting right now. Long term consequences be damned.

So my question is: why so cheap? Why limit the EU rescue fund to a measly thousand billion? Why not make it a hundred trillion? Or a thousand trillion? Since we obviously don’t care about long term consequences, or the roots of the structural problems that are now manifesting themselves, the skyrocketing national debts or a host of other things, why not go all out? Really, what difference does it make anymore?

Ett samtal värt att ha oktober 11, 2019

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Debatt, Politik och samhälle.
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Jag hade äran och nöjet att få vara med i Jannik Svenssons podd Säg vad du vill, Åland. Det Jannik och Didrik Svan har åstadkommit med podden är verkligen beundransvärt. Jannik är öppen med sin egen ideologiska övertygelse, men har fördomsfritt bjudit in personer med olika bakgrund och politiska färger till samtal. Redan nu är Säg vad du vill, Åland ett mediafenomen som Jannik och Didrik kan och ska vara stolta över.

Jannik själv är något av en blandning av Dave Rubin och Joe Rogan, med den förstnämndas intellektuella läggning och den sistnämndas frispråkighet. Formatet liknar också både Rubins och Rogans egna poddar, det vill säga ett samtal mer än debatt, i vilket gästen ges utrymme att föra fram sina egna tankar om det han eller hon tycker är intressant och viktigt. Eftersom alla personer har egna käpphästar de vill tala om blir varje samtal på riktigt unikt. Hittills har det inte varit någon som varit med två gånger, men såsom Jannik leder samtalet är jag säker på att även samma persons samtal skulle vara väldigt olika varandra.

Mitt eget samtal handlade mest om ekonomi och politik. En av de roliga sakerna med den här typen av samtal är att det egentligen är helt ostrukturerat, diskussionen går vart den råkar gå. Trots att man talar in i mikrofon och har hörlurar på sig glömmer man snabbt bort det, det känns lika naturligt som om en pratstund över en öl efter jobbet. Plötsligt har det gått två timmar men det känns som att man skulle kunna prata hur länge till som helst.

Jannik väldigt duktig på att ställa de ”rätta” frågorna och skapa öppningar som underlättar för motparten klä sina tankar i ord. I efterhand är det förstås lätt att tänka att jag borde ha sagt mer om det, utvecklat det där ytterligare eller kommit ihåg att påpeka A, B och C. Men egentligen är det precis så det ska vara i den här typen av samtal. Det är inte en intervju eller en föreläsning, utan en dialog som far vart den vill och i vilken man säger det man råkar tänka på just i den stunden.

Jag hoppas verkligen att Jannik kommer in i lagtinget. Det skulle vara väldigt intressant att se vilken inverkan han skulle ha på lagting och därmed regeringen. Han företräder ett liberalt parti som är troget sitt namn, det vill säga frihet under ansvar med en icke-oväsentlig dos solidaritet. Jag må ha mina egna uppfattningar om politik och statens roll i samhället, men det är en samhällssyn jag kan leva med utan desto större problem.

Entrepreneurship and free money juli 1, 2017

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Byråkrati, Ekonomisk politik, Nationalekonomi, Välfärd.

Some of the greatest entrepreneurs of our age seem very sold on socialist ideas and that capitalism simply doesn’t work. These include pioneers such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Especially the latter made a passionate plea for universal basic income. Mr. Zuckerberg’s reason for promoting UBI was that it would increase entrepreneurship. His argument was that if people didn’t have to work for a living, they could spend their time developing their business ideas and turn them into successful companies.

This is one of those things that may sound superficially plausible, and many people seem to be buying this. The fact that the claim comes from one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time gives it even more credence. However, the UBI might not the panacea Mr. Zuckerberg believes it to be.

Firstly, Mr. Zuckerberg’s claim necessarily assumes that most (or at least a very significant minority) people are budding entrepreneurs, whose main reason for not realizing their entrepreneurial potential is the necessity to work for a living. In other words, because they have to work to earn a living, they lack the time and energy needed to develop their ideas.

It should be clear that this assumption doesn’t hold true. Entrepreneurs are by their very nature scarce compared to non-entrepreneurs. There is a reason for why there are a lot more employees than employers. Being an entrepreneur requires very specific skills and characteristics that very few people possess. UBI won’t change this fact.

He also completely discounts the fact that entrepreneurs exist today and have existed for centuries, Mr. Zuckerberg himself being a prime example of this, all of whom have made due without UBI, proving that UBI is not a prerequisite for becoming an entrepreneur. These are people who have possessed the necessary skills and characteristics. And as in all cases, some have succeeded and others have failed.

Most entrepreneurs are not game changers like Mr. Zuckerburg is, nor are they great innovators like Steve Jobs. The vast majority doesn’t bring anything new in terms of products of services. They are contractors, shopkeepers, franchisees, doctors, lawyers and consultants of various kinds etc. They don’t bring innovation, they bring supply, alternatives to existing providers. This is very valuable, but it is not something that requires an undefined period of time with guaranteed income in order to bring it to fruition. It is hard to see how UBI would increase entrepreneurship of this kind.

Mr. Zuckerberg also forgets that people respond to incentives. In some cases, people become entrepreneurs simply in order to employ themselves because they can’t find jobs. Starting a company is a way of employing oneself, when other employment opportunities aren’t available. Such entrepreneurship is borne out of necessity. UBI is far more likely to smother entrepreneurial inclinations in these cases, as the driving necessity is removed.

All Western countries today are welfare states, with substantial welfare programs available to virtually everyone. If Mr. Zuckerberg’s theory of UBI’s positive effect on entrepreneurship, then the myriad of existing welfare programs should provide some proof of his theory, which is obviously not the case. Here Mr. Zuckerberg would probably say that UBI removes much of the red tape associated with present programs, and that the UBI would mean much more money than recipients receive now. That may very well be true, but the more money you give people for free, the more it cost for everyone else and the higher the incentive for simply living off the rest. At no time in human history has the sense of entitlement been as strong as it is today, and UBI would only make that worse, a lot worse.

In addition to welfare programs, Western countries also have very high levels of taxation and extensive regulatory frameworks. Considering the combination of onerous taxation and complicated regulation that is characteristic for any Western country, in addition to the never-ending vilification of companies and profit seeking, it is pretty amazing that we have as many entrepreneurs as we have.

If Mr. Zuckerberg wants to promote entrepreneurship, he’d be better off calling for slashing regulations, government spending and taxes than calling for yet another government program, that as all other government programs will have to be paid for by some and enjoyed by others. We have quite enough of that already.

If they can do this, what can’t they do? oktober 29, 2016

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Debatt, Frivilligt samarbete, Naturliga rättigheter, Paternalism, Rättighetskränkningar.

The demands for quotas in the boardrooms of publicly listed companies have been voiced for many years, but are becoming increasingly shriller. The arguments on both sides have remained largely the same from the beginning. Those who favour it cite the need for cancelling out the supposed institutional sexism, i.e. that women aren’t being nominated to the boards simply because they are women. Those who oppose it cite the right of the owners do decide themselves who sits on the board, and that quotas will undermine the credibility of the women who actually get on the boards.

While I certainly acknowledge the arguments of the “against”-people, I think the focus is much too narrow. The real question is this: If the government can mandate a gender-based quota in the boardrooms of a specific group of companies (i.e. publicly listed), what can’t they do? Now I freely admit I don’t pay that close attention to public discourse on this topic, so if this question has been raised, mea culpa. But I haven’t heard it. And in my opinion, it is the central one.

Another question is this: based on what authority could the government make such a law? What specific provision in the current legal code gives the government this authority? I would be grateful if the advocates for gender quotas could provide the answer.

Returning to the initial question. If we acknowledge that the government indeed has this authority, where does it end? If it can enact gender-based quotas, then why not other kind of quotas? If it can enact quotas for publicly listed companies, then why not for private companies, private organizations, clubs or any other private association, such as a football club? And if it can enact quotas for board of directors, then why not for the executive management board, regional management teams etc? And what about foreign companies? If a foreign group’s parent company’s board does not meet the enacted quotas, can the government order that group’s local subsidiary to seize operations?

I know, or at least hope, that most of you reading this instinctively thinks NO to most of these hypothetic questions. But what is that NO based on? If the gender-quota is allowed, there is no non-arbitrary line to be drawn. Hence the initial question. If we allow that, then what possible grounds do we have to oppose what naturally follows?

The same question is of course applicable to everything the government does. If a 35% tax rate is okay, then why not 45%, 65% or 95%? If one kind of state monopoly is okay, then why not another? If some professions require government license, then why not all professions? I think you get my point.

Government is the embodiment of arbitrariness and relativism. There are no principles because there can’t be any. Everything is decided on a whim, a (necessarily false) presumption of knowledge, with the inevitable consequence that every decision is subject to change at any moment. The effect this has and has had on people is dire, but that is a topic for another day.

The World is Lost juli 23, 2016

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Debatt, Ekonomisk historia, EU, Frivilligt samarbete, Interventionism, Korruption, Politik och samhälle.

There really aren’t any reasons to be optimistic about this world of ours. We’re heading towards a complete economic meltdown, and nothing can be done about it. It might take a decade or two, who knows, but at some point the debt that keeps accumulating will hit critical mass. Then something, anything, will trigger the collapse and all hell will break loose. One can of course hope that we’ll come out of the disaster wiser and with sounder morals, but, really, is there any reason to think we will? Complete social collapse and global war seem far more probable.

Evidence of moral and societal decay is everywhere. Take the rise of Trump, for instance. He is most certainly the most hated, despised and ridiculed candidate for president in world political history. Decried as the worst thing ever to befall the US.

Really? Worse than the fascist warmonger and mass murderer Hillary, who’s never met a military intervention she didn’t like or missed an opportunity to commit genocide? Worse than the fascist warmongers and mass murderers Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I etc? These are our moral standards now? It is okay to kill Muslims by the hundreds of thousands and to wreck their countries, but absolutely forbidden, forbidden I tell you!, to speak critically about them? Kill, maim and plunder at your pleasure, but don’t say mean things! Peoples’ feelings can get hurt!

What can you say to that other than to quote Ben Shapiro: I care nothing about your feelings.

Brexit. The thing that couldn’t happen, that mustn’t happen. But it did. The horror, the shame, the never-ending pain. The reaction of the Remainers, particularly that of the millennial generation, who cry and bleat on the streets about how they love the EU, is horrifyingly instructive.

What kind of a moral black hole must you be to cry about the possible exit from a €150 billion moral monstrosity, ruled by some of, if not the worst people in Europe? Well, if you have grown up being taught and believing that everyone else owes you everything you want, that you are entitled to everything you can dream of simply by being alive, then yes, I can understand your tears. And I couldn’t care less about them. And if you really think you need a €150 billion moral monstrosity for the free movement of things, or to keep the peace in Europe, you are an ignorant idiot and deserve every ounce of pain you feel.

Speaking of free movement. It is claimed tat we need immigrants to come and work and pay taxes to pay for our aging population, because the natives, in lack of a better word, don’t have enough children. Maybe that is the case, but what could possibly be a more abysmal failure than a society, in which people don’t want to procreate anymore? Seriously, how dysfunctional must a society become for that to happen? Has anyone of our ruling classes pontificated on this?

While the subject of the free movement of people might be a topic for another day, one can’t help noticing that this free movement is rather one-sided? People tend to move a lot more in one direction than the other. Is this a mere coincidence, or are there explanations for this apparent imbalance? Well, of course there are. It’s all about white racism, colonialism, slavery. To even suggest anything else is a punishable offense.

Which brings us to the greatest injustice in this world, indeed, the root of all evil. White men with their damned white male privilege and cursed patriarchy. Almost everyone is encouraged to be proud of their heritage and their culture, except white people of the West. White pride equals white supremacy with all that entails. Do a wikipedia search on Black Pride, then White Pride, just for fun, and you’ll see.

Slavery, open-ended bigotry, the institutional and legal oppression of women, children and minorities of every kind has been part of human society since the very beginning, in every single place on the planet. And much of it still is, in many places in the world, in many cultures and civilizations around the globe. But there is one culture and civilization though, in which most if not all of it is glaringly absent. Care to take a guess on which one?

Today, everything is a human right. Except property right. That is a right you don’t have. You have the right to education, healthcare, living wage, paid vacation, paid parental leave…well, pretty much whatever you feel you need in order to have a “decent life”. But you can’t really own anything. Not what you make, not what you earn, not what you inherit, not what you are given. You may keep a portion of it of course, but you have no say in how large that portion is. Can be anything from all to nothing.

If you take action to keep a larger portion of it, you are publicly shamed and punished. You see, to want to keep what you earn, what you’ve worked for, is greedy. To demand the property of someone else for your own benefit is just exercising your human rights.

The only future for a world like this is a future not worth having. One can hope that people find their way to value peace, private property, and voluntary exchange and cooperation. One can hope, but I’m not holding my breath.

The terrorists always win november 17, 2015

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Frivilligt samarbete, Interventionism, Kultur, Politik och samhälle.

The reactions to the attacks in Paris were expected. People all over the Western world are outraged, and the politicians fall over themselves in expressing their grief and horror and their sympathy with the French. There is no reason to doubt that the ordinary people who sport a French flag on their profile pictures on Facebook are sincere. The politicians, on the other hand, are a different matter.

It is difficult to believe that people like Kerry, Obama or the Repbulican hopefuls actually care about the people who were killed and injured in the attacks. After all, a hundred plus dead and hundreds injured is everyday life throughout the Middle East, thanks in large part to the constant bombing and meddling by Western powers. That has never bothered them.

We shouldn’t forget that the US is not the only country that is involved in the Middle East. France lead the NATO campaign to oust Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, is very much involved in the Syrian civil war, and has of course a long history of meddling in that region, as well as in Africa.

Correlation does not always mean causation, but it is hardly a coincidence these attacks don’t seem to happen in Switzerland, the Nordic countries, Eastern Europe, or even Canada. And that is not because of round-the-clock, all-encompassing NSA style surveillance, certainly not in the Nordics. Instead, these attacks seem to take place in countries like the US, the UK and now France, all of which are deeply involved in the affairs of Arab nations.

Whenever an attack such as this takes place, the disconnect between what the politicians say and what they do couldn’t be bigger. They always say that the terrorist won’t win, that we will not be ruled by fear, but will persist in holding to our values of freedom, openness and tolerance. Obama spoke about this as the “universal values we all share”. I presume that by “we”, he means the West. But what does actually happen?

The first thing French president Hollande did was to close the borders and declare a state of emergency, with the complete suspension of all civil liberties. The French police can enter any home at will and arrest anyone at will. The French army is deployed on the streets of Paris. In the US, the Patriot Act, which was already drafted, was passed shortly after 9/11.

And thus the terrorists win. The first response of the West is to curtail the civil liberties we supposedly hold so dear. The politicians declare a state of war, as Hollande did, telling the world that they will prosecute this war without mercy. Many other political leaders echoed this sentiment, eagerly speaking about fighting the war against terrorism and extremism. Just like the US fights wars against terrorism and drugs, among other things.

This transition from praising our universal values of freedom to declaring a state of war is important. It allows the politicians to profess their support for liberty, only to enact the complete opposite policies as part of fighting this war. Naturally, no leader says whom they are going to fight, let alone how the war will be prosecuted and how the war is supposed to be won.

And because we are now at war, criticism of the government its polices is treason. To object to the curtailment of civil liberties, to oppose the increased powers requested by the surveillance bureaucracy, is to sympathize with the enemy. We must give up our rights for the sake of security. The same story all over again, and it seemingly always works.

Nobody ever stops to think about this means. To be sure, ISIS is no fan of civil liberties. Nor are the mullahs in Iran or the royals in Saudi Arabia. The society these terrorists and extremists envision is one of total control of the population, with no respect for life, liberty or property. To be fair, many Western countries don’t seem overly concerned with that either, but the way we typically respond to these terror attacks is to make our societies more like theirs. How is this not letting the terrorists win?

If we actually want to win, whatever that means, the only logical response would be to pull out of the Middle East entirely, to stop interfering in their internal affairs and above all stop occupying and bombing their countries. Our governments should stay out of there, and instead promote free trade. And instead of surrendering our liberties, we should embrace them.

Minding our own business politically and militarily, promoting the individual over the state, encouraging trade with everybody who wants to do business with us, that is how we win. Until we accept this fact we will always lose to the terrorists.

Vem är det som är girig? maj 30, 2014

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Kolumner.

Senaste (och sista?) kolumnen i ÅU, publicerad i  maj 2014.

En av vårens stora sensationer var nyheten om att Nalle Wahlroos har skrivit sig i Sverige. Enligt den allmänna konsensusen var syftet att smita undan den finska arvsskatten. Tydligen är skattesmitande är det enda tänkbara skälet till varför en finlandssvensk skulle vilja flytta från Finland till Sverige. Förutsägbart nog ledde nyheten till ett ramaskri och ändlös klagolåt över Nalles girighet.

Urpilainen med flera var snabba med att påpeka att Nalle har fått gratis utbildning i Finland och att han därför borde stanna kvar och ”ge tillbaks”. Okej. Nu är det så att Nalle årligen betalar mer i skatt än vad de flesta finländare tjänar i bruttolön under hela sin livstid. Jag har också fått avgiftsfri utbildning, från grundskola till och med ekon.mag examen. Därför kan jag med tämligen stor säkerhet hävda att Nalles utbildning har väldigt litet med hans framgångar att göra. Varje år utexamineras tusentals kandidater, magistrar och doktorer från våra universitet. Hur många av dem kommer någonsin att åstadkomma ens en bråkdel av det som Nalle åstadkommit? Nalle har nog ”gett tillbaks” mycket mer än vad han någonsin har fått.

Sedan har vi myten om att det är staten (som felaktigt jämställs med samhället) som har gett Nalle hans utbildning och andra förmåner. Niinistö och många andra har talat om allt det fina staten ger, men det är propaganda. Staten ger ingenting. Alla tjänster och förmåner som den offentliga sektorn förser medborgarna med finansieras av den privata sektorn. Staten kan inte ge någonting eftersom den inte producerar någonting. Det enda den gör är att ta egendom från vissa som den sedan omfördelar till andra. Det är skattebetalarna som ”ger”, inte politikerna eller byråkraterna.

Påståendet att Nalle av ren girighet flyttar till ett land som avskaffat arvsskatten är absurt. För det första är det ju inte Nalle som betalar arvsskatten, det är hans arvingar som gör det. Man kan anta att Nalles barn hör till arvingarna. Att försöka undvika arvsskatten är något som varje ansvarsfull förälder i mån av möjlighet bör göra. Det handlar ju om att skydda sina barns intressen. Vad kan vara naturligare än det?

Så man med fog undra vem det som egentligen är girig; föräldern som vill skydda sina barns intressen, eller alla utomstående personer som inte har något med Nalle att göra men vill åt hans pengar? Är det inte höjden av girighet att kräva att Nalle stannar så att man genom arvsskatten kan tillskansa sig hans förmögenhet? Hans belackare kunde ju inte bry sig mindre om Nalles eller hans familjs välbefinnande, det enda de är intresserade av är hans pengar. Är inte det girigt?

Som konstaterat så bidrar Nalle personligen med mer skatteintäkter varje år än vad de flesta gör under hela sin livstid. Därutöver har Nalle byggt en av Finlands bäst fungerande affärskoncerner och därigenom skapat tusentals arbetsplatser vilka i sin tur har genererat och generar skatteintäkter. Nalles bidrag till det finska samhället kan knappast ifrågasättas, däremot kan man verkligen fråga sig vad hans belackare har bidragit med.

I stället för att kräva att Nalle ska bidra mer än vad han redan har gjort bör hans belackare fundera på hur de själva kan bidra. Tyvärr är inte alla lika framgångsrika som Nalle, men det finns mycket bättre sätt att bidra med än att betala skatt. Till exempel kan vi bidra genom att dra åt svångremmen rejält så att vi kan börja betala bort statsskulden. För det girigaste av allt girigt torde väl vara att anse sig berättigad till att konsumera på kredit och lämna notan till sina barn och barnbarn. Girigare än så blir det inte.

Att acceptera verkligheten april 4, 2014

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Kolumner.
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Kolumn i ÅU, publicerad 4.4.2014.

När man sysslar med vetenskap, även om det är på hobbynivå, handlar det till syvende och sist om att skilja verklighet från fiktion. Nästa steg är att övertyga andra om att acceptera denna verklighet. I naturvetenskaperna är det sällan något problem. Ingen ifrågasätter gravitationens existens och innebörd. Ingen klagar på att vi behöver mat, vatten och kläder för att leva. Vi har vant oss vi den verkligheten och lärt oss leva med den. Ekonomerna har det inte lika lätt. Även de sysslar med att skilja verklighet från fiktion lika mycket som naturvetarna, men med synbart sämre framgång.

Skuldsättning spelar roll. Västländerna har under flera decenniers tid levt över sina tillgångar med skarpt ökande skuldsättning som följd. Vi har inga problem att förstå de problem som skuldsättning innebär för privatpersoner och företag, men när det kommer till staten tar förnekandet vid. Finlands skuld har ökat med 7-8 miljarder per år sedan 2008, men trots det tycks det vara omöjligt att enas om anpassningsåtgärder på 3 miljarder över tre år. Det här är uttryck för idén om att skuldsättning egentligen inte spelar någon roll för staten. Några slutsatser av t.ex. Greklands öde vill man absolut inte dra.

Åtstramningar hämmar inte tillväxten. Att åtstramningar hämmar tillväxten är ett av de mest uttjatade mantran idag. Sanningen är raka motsatsen, på vilket det finns flera exempel. USA:s svar på depressionen 1920 och Estlands svar på krisen 2008 är värda att tittas närmare på. Tillväxten hämmas enbart enligt den formel som användas för att beräkna BNP, en formel som föga med verkligheten att göra. Tvärtom så frigör statliga åtstramningar resurser i den privata sektorn och det är där allt välstånd skapas, varav en del går till att finansiera den offentliga sektorn.

Satsningar på infrastruktur stimulerar inte ekonomin. En annan gammal ”sanning” som fortfarande lever kvar är att satsningar på infrastruktur är bra för ekonomin. Det finns inga bevis för detta, men det finns en uppsjö bevis på motsatsen. I Europa torde Spanien vara det land som spenderat mest på infrastruktur det senaste decenniet. Det har byggts tusentals kilometer väg och järnväg samt flera internationella flygfält. Flera av dessa satsningar hann börja förfalla innan de ens var färdigbyggda. Ingen använder dem, ingen lär använda dem inom överskådlig framtid och ingen vet vart pengarna tog vägen. Det enda man vet är att dessa satsningar lämnade en enorm skuldbörda efter sig och gjorde ingenting för att förbättra den spanska ekonomin.

Gratis utbud leder till begränsad tillgång. I Finland har vi nästan avgiftsfri sjukvård, vilket många tycker är bra eftersom det garanterar att ingen nekas vård på grund av brist på pengar. Men det stämmer inte riktigt. Den avgiftsfria sjukvården skapar en artificiellt höjd efterfrågan på sjukvårdstjänster. I klartext betyder det att antalet patienter vida överstiger sjukvårdens kapacitet. Det leder till långa köer, inte bara vad gäller speciella ingrepp utan också till hälsocentralerna för rutin- eller akutbesök. Vill man slippa köerna måste man gå privat och det kostar pengar.

En annan sanning är att ekonomerna i mångt och mycket har sig själva att skylla. De har låtit sig själva och sin vetenskap bli politiserade samtidigt som de nästan med våld försökt få nationalekonomi till en naturvetenskap. Därav allt modellerande och irrelevanta matematik som nationalekonomi allt för ofta förknippas med. Kanske det blir lättare för folk i gemen att acceptera ekonomiska verkligheter när ekonomerna accepterar sin egen?

Minimilön – en rasistisk tariff februari 18, 2014

Posted by Kaj Grüssner in Kolumner.

Kolumn i ÅU, publicerad 18.2.2014

Ett av de centrala begreppen i dagens välfärdssamhälle är skälig lön, med vilket menas att alla som arbetar har rätt till en lön som de kan leva på. Idealt ska lönen även räcka till att försörja familjen också. I många länder har man valt att ”garantera” skälig lön, en minimilön, genom lag eller kollektivavtal. Det kanske låter bra, men som så ofta är verkligheten en annan.

För att förstå minimilönen måste man förstå dess historia och syfte. I flera länder hade minimilönen direkta rasistiska undertoner. När den första minimilönlagstiftningen debatterades i USA under 1930-talet var de rasistiska motiven uttryckliga. Kongressledamöter hänvisade till klagomål på att användandet av svart (afroamerikansk) arbetskraft ledde till att vita arbetare förlorade jobb eller tvingades acceptera lägre löner. Ordföranden för de amerikanska fackföreningarna klagade på att färgad arbetskraft utnyttjades till att trycka ner lönenivåerna. Minimilönen var också ett populärt verktyg för Sydafrikas apartheidregim och de fackföreningar som stödde regimen.

Vad var då dess syfte? Det hade ingenting med att stöda fattiga arbetare att göra, dess syfte var att skydda primärt fackanslutna utbildade arbetare från konkurrens från outbildade, icke fackanslutna arbetare. Det enda de senare kunde konkurrera med var lägre lön. På samma sätt som man med importtariffer skyddar den inhemska industrin från utländsk konkurrens lobbade fackföreningarna för att införa minimilön, vilket skyddade deras medlemmar från lönekonkurrens.

I 1930-talets USA var svarta sällan utbildade eller skolade. Därför var de i regel mindre produktiva än vita arbetare. En arbetsgivare kunde således välja mellan att anställa utbildade, högre avlönade vita eller obildade, lägre avlönade svarta. Valet avgjordes ofta av hur produktiva den individuella arbetaren var i förhållande till sin lön. Om en svart producerade 30 cent i timmen men var beredd att jobba för 20 cent så var han lönsammare än en vit som producerade 45 cent i timmen men krävde 37 cent i lön. Genom att lagstifta en minimilön på 25 cent i timmen tappade den svarta arbetaren sin enda konkurrensfördel. Det blev per automatik lönsammare att anställa den vita arbetaren.

Men det fanns och finns fler grupper som skadas av minimilönen. Ungdomar är som grupp mindre produktiva än vuxna, eftersom de inte har hunnit få någon utbildning eller erfarenhet. Den enda ekonomiskt hållbara orsaken för någon att anställa ungdomar är att de kan jobba för lägre lön. Därför brukar det också vara fråga om mindre krävande uppgifter. Men för unga är lönen sällan det viktiga. Viktigare är att få erfarenhet, att lära sig ansvar och hur man beter sig på en arbetsplats. Det skapar förutsättningar för att klara av mer krävande uppgifter längre fram. Mentalt handikappade är en annan grupp som av uppenbara skäl är mindre produktive, varför de i t.ex. USA är undantagna från minimilönlagstiftningen.

Alla förstår att 100€/h vore alldeles för högt. Det skulle leda till massarbetslöshet med en stor marknad för svartarbete som följd. Likaledes skulle en minimilön på 1 cent/h helt sakna effekt, då vem som helst som jobbar ändå skulle få högre lön än så. Det enda minimilönen kan göra är att slå undan benen på de svagaste: de outbildade, de unga, de handikappade, som inte kan konkurrera med något annat än lägre lön.

Det är protektionism, ett skydd för de redan mest privilegierade mot de mest utsatta. Det är ingen slump att arbetslösheten bland t.ex. ungdomar tenderar att vara högre än genomsnittet. Som sådan är minimilönen en av de mest omoraliska och ekonomiskt destruktiva interventionerna som staten någonsin gjort sig skyldig till.